Today, for the first time this season, Mike went pheasant hunting. He hasn't been able to go much this year because either he was sick, I was sick, or we were out of town. He was excited to go today but before he even got on the road, so many things went wrong that when he called me on the way he declared it, "The worst day of his life so far." After admitting he was exaggerating a bit (although the day did suck) he was on his way. The hunting excursion ended on a high note though as he brought a bird home.
Karl stayed home sick today so he wasn't too interested, but the girls had to keep taking a peek. Aine really wanted to see the bird's eyes so I opened them. Well, she did not like this at all, in fact, she wouldn't go into the kitchen, close to the bird until I shut them. Once Mike removed the feet, she wrinkled her nose and was done in the kitchen. Abby, Aine, and myself all went out to the living room and Aine immediately told me that, "I don't like to eat the bird Mommy." Once she said this, I had to tell her all sorts of interesting things which, I think, may have turned my daughter temporarily vegetarian. "Do you like hot dogs Aine? Do you like hamburgers?" And then I would tell her about pigs, and cows, and chickens. After each comment she would wrinkle her nose and say, "I don't like to eat cows Mommy - we don't eat the cows!" I was having too much fun watching her faces and listening to her comments that I perhaps wasn't the best Mommy. Later on, as I dished up a plate of roast and Aine sat quizzically looking at her dinner I realized that perhaps I had gone too far for my little three year old. "Are we eating the cow now Mommy, I don't like to eat the cow."
Aine didn't eat supper tonight.
Maybe I should tell her chocolate is from puppy dogs or kitty cats and she will stop sneaking all the treats out of the candy jars...or not.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Time is such a wonderful thing, and one that I seem to never have enough of. I know I am not the only person out there who struggles with this. Most of my girlfriends are just as busy as me if not busier. Molly has four kids, is in an intensive nursing program, and takes care of her regular wife/mom/home duties(and is a freaking size 4); Lisa has three kids and is also in a challenging nursing program; Dawn has four kids - all boys mind you - works full time as a nurse and is doing a private business on the side...we are busy people. I like to think that one day I will not be as busy as I am today-but part of me knows that that day may never come. The reality of it is, I actually like being busy - being busy isn't a bad thing as long as you are busy with the right things. I know there are many days that my priorities have to shift in order to get certain things done. I spend a lot of time preparing for my students and I need to focusing on worker smarter not harder. I also have to remember that my students should be doing more work than me...yeah...when that day comes someone better be there to catch me as I faint from shock.
Seriously though. I am happy with how busy I am. There are certain things I want to MAKE time for (like this blog, so that a month doesn't pass between posts), or make MORE time for - like my husband and our kids, but otherwise, I am really OK with my hectic life. Yes, I have days that I don't handle it well and I get cranky or overwhelmed - but those days are the exception to the rule. A colleague of mine asked how I ever see my husband or have time for my kids. This somewhat upset me because we DO spend a lot of time together. To the outside, it seems like we are crazy - I work full time, take a grad class and have to drive 90 minutes to Minneapolis once a week, have four children, my husband works full time, is taking two classes, my son is in sports and piano, my daughter in piano, and then there are the usual school functions and activities - yeah, we are busy. But, we are all very close and spend a lot of time together. We play games, watch movies, wrestle, read, laugh, talk, hang out, clean, argue, cook, color, paint toe nails and finger nails (just the girls), go grocery shopping - all together. My kids are tucked into bed by at least one of their parents, snugglebugged into the covers, kissed on the forehead and rubbed on the back, told to sleep well, have good dreams, I love you, and fall to sleep smiling every night of their lives.
I love my life. It isn't how many minutes you have to do things - it is how you spend the minutes that you have. Ours may be fewer in count - but they are so full in content that I truly love my crazy and hectic and nonstop as they may be.
Seriously though. I am happy with how busy I am. There are certain things I want to MAKE time for (like this blog, so that a month doesn't pass between posts), or make MORE time for - like my husband and our kids, but otherwise, I am really OK with my hectic life. Yes, I have days that I don't handle it well and I get cranky or overwhelmed - but those days are the exception to the rule. A colleague of mine asked how I ever see my husband or have time for my kids. This somewhat upset me because we DO spend a lot of time together. To the outside, it seems like we are crazy - I work full time, take a grad class and have to drive 90 minutes to Minneapolis once a week, have four children, my husband works full time, is taking two classes, my son is in sports and piano, my daughter in piano, and then there are the usual school functions and activities - yeah, we are busy. But, we are all very close and spend a lot of time together. We play games, watch movies, wrestle, read, laugh, talk, hang out, clean, argue, cook, color, paint toe nails and finger nails (just the girls), go grocery shopping - all together. My kids are tucked into bed by at least one of their parents, snugglebugged into the covers, kissed on the forehead and rubbed on the back, told to sleep well, have good dreams, I love you, and fall to sleep smiling every night of their lives.
I love my life. It isn't how many minutes you have to do things - it is how you spend the minutes that you have. Ours may be fewer in count - but they are so full in content that I truly love my crazy and hectic and nonstop as they may be.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Mommy dates
Wow I have been so busy lately. It is the end of the quarter at school so grades are due tomorrow. Anyone who knows a teacher or is a teacher understands that the last week of the quarter is the worst week of the quarter. I have been swamped with correcting, entering grades, and helping students who are struggling to pass that I have barely had time to breath. I also finished (finally turned in) my grad school project from last year to take the incomplete off my record and get an actual grade. So, work and school have kept me incredibly busy, so busy I feel like I haven't even seen much of my husband or my kiddos. Mike has been through this before and is such a patient man that he is waiting until this weekend, when he knows (because grades are due Friday) that I will want to put my feet up and relax with him. The kids don't get that though, so this morning Abby got very upset and when I asked her what was wrong she said, "I just want to be with my mommy." She was teary eyed and sad looking. I felt terrible. She asked if we could go on a mommy and me date. I started "kid dates" when Mike was overseas in Iraq to give each child some special time. Well, since Mike got home (which is two years almost now) we haven't had those. Tonight, Abby and I are going to go on a date. This weekend Aine, who was around for the conversation, is going to go on a date with mommy and daddy. Karl - I haven't asked him yet, he may just want to hang out with Dad; but I do know that as soon as he gets wind of the "dates" that he is going to want one.
I am glad this happened this morning. Though it made me feel horrible for not being around more this week, it is bringing back a really special tradition that should have never gone away. So, it looks like I am going to be quite busy going on multiple dates this weekend-should be a blast.
Here are some recent photos of the kids. Sam is snuggling on his daddy's chest (he is getting to be such a chunk)
and the other three are suppose to be ready for bed (don't they look tired...)
I am glad this happened this morning. Though it made me feel horrible for not being around more this week, it is bringing back a really special tradition that should have never gone away. So, it looks like I am going to be quite busy going on multiple dates this weekend-should be a blast.
Here are some recent photos of the kids. Sam is snuggling on his daddy's chest (he is getting to be such a chunk)
and the other three are suppose to be ready for bed (don't they look tired...)
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Still cleaning but nothing is getting clean
This morning was wonderful. I got up early, exercised, showered, picked up a bit, and started correcting papers when the kids slowly woke up. I made them yummy eggs and English muffins for breakfast. Everyone was happy and talkative. After breakfast I explained to the older two, Karl and Abby, that as soon as they were done cleaning their rooms and the "middle" room (big, wide hallway between their rooms) that they could do what ever they wanted to rest of the day. That was at 9:30 am. At 2:30pm their rooms were still not clean and more fighting than cleaning was taking place. At 5:30 we ate dinner and since the work was still not done but the arguing continued, both kids lost privileges for the following four days. How does it take over seven hours to clean a bedroom? How many questions, complaints, or tattling can be thrown my way in a seven hour time frame? These questions and more (like how do I maintain sanity amidst total chaos) were answered today. Lucky, lucky me...
This weekend was MEA-Minnesota Education Association. What this means for students and teachers in Minnesota is a three day week at school. At our school, the students also had Wednesday off and the teachers had a work day. The weekend was too long and I got nothing done I wanted to get done. At the same time, Sam was at the doctor - twice, my house was not cleaned - not once, Aine threw several fits - several, she peed on the floor, the tire blow on the truck when I was driving the four kids back form a day in the cities. I didn't get any sleep, any school work done, class work done, laundry done, NOTHING.
I was cranky, had a constant head ache, and just was overwhelmed by the constant need and fighting of the kids. It is as though they didn't know what to do with each other, together, for that long.
I have good kids - they listen and are respectful - most of the time. But, kids are kids and are not perfect. Well, lucky me, I got to witness imperfection first hand by all three of my older children AND I had to take extra care of a sick, tired but hopped up on steroids and medicine three-month-old who can't get enough to eat and doesn't want to sleep but is still wheezing and not feeling the greatest so needs lots of extra love and care.
Needless to say, I am beat. I need a weekend to recover from the long weekend. So, I sit her e in bed correcting tests and papers (obviously I took a slight break to blog), wondering how long I will be up tonight; meanwhile, my husband, who worked all weekend and complained about how boring it was at work because they had no work coming in, is sleeping peacefully beside me...brat.
OK - enough complaining. Sorry.
This weekend was MEA-Minnesota Education Association. What this means for students and teachers in Minnesota is a three day week at school. At our school, the students also had Wednesday off and the teachers had a work day. The weekend was too long and I got nothing done I wanted to get done. At the same time, Sam was at the doctor - twice, my house was not cleaned - not once, Aine threw several fits - several, she peed on the floor, the tire blow on the truck when I was driving the four kids back form a day in the cities. I didn't get any sleep, any school work done, class work done, laundry done, NOTHING.
I was cranky, had a constant head ache, and just was overwhelmed by the constant need and fighting of the kids. It is as though they didn't know what to do with each other, together, for that long.
I have good kids - they listen and are respectful - most of the time. But, kids are kids and are not perfect. Well, lucky me, I got to witness imperfection first hand by all three of my older children AND I had to take extra care of a sick, tired but hopped up on steroids and medicine three-month-old who can't get enough to eat and doesn't want to sleep but is still wheezing and not feeling the greatest so needs lots of extra love and care.
Needless to say, I am beat. I need a weekend to recover from the long weekend. So, I sit her e in bed correcting tests and papers (obviously I took a slight break to blog), wondering how long I will be up tonight; meanwhile, my husband, who worked all weekend and complained about how boring it was at work because they had no work coming in, is sleeping peacefully beside me...brat.
OK - enough complaining. Sorry.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
A hat
Just had to throw these in as well. I just love watching Mike with the kids and they all love being around him. Sam was hanging out with Dad online...I just love these pictures.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Missing Mike
Today was the first day of no school for MEA - Minnesota Education Association. Most schools had classes today but our school had a teacher workshop day. Our speaker was wonderful and entertaining so it was a day well spent-for me. Mike, on the other hand, stayed home with our kids and two of our friend's (who teaches with me) kids. The day went fine but Mike was
exhausted and had had enough of noise - you stick six to seven kids in our house and it is going to be loud. I got home promptly at 3pm to relieve Mike and not two hours later my sister and her two boys came over to play. I told Mike he should take off tonight to get a break from kids in general and knew he needed a break. He decided to go watch a football game. Now, it was my idea for him to take off and relax away from little humans but I am pouty. I am glad he went out - he rarely hangs out with the guys (mostly because he likes to hang out with his family) so he really deserves a break. At the same time...I like having him around. I have gotten use to us spending most of our time together and when he isn't here - even if we aren't doing something together - I miss him.
Wah...poor me.
Guess that makes us lucky-we like to be around each other.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Sick kids...still
Well, my fourth child has been sick and has caused me to stay home from work. I realize that I have four children and children get sick - but I think I have missed more school this past month for sick kids than I was all last year. The thing that stinks the most, other than seeing their sad, miserable faces, is the fact that they just keep getting each other sick and I see really no end to the cycle. Oh well...eventually they have to be better.
The nice thing is - Sam, who we had to take to the doctor because he was coughing to the point of not breathing, has been on meds and he is a completely different person. The down side - he is done with his meds now and the cough has resumed. I was relieved to see him so healthy when taken the medication. I thought there was something wrong with him developmentally - blind (he wouldn't look at us) deaf (he wouldn't follow our voices) socially (he didn't seem to smile when we were around). The doctor said that kids from large families tend to develop physically first (would explain why he was rolling over at a month old...seriously). Though that explanation helped me somewhat - I wasn't 100% convinced. There was just something off. Well, on his meds his matty eyes cleared up, he began cooing and talking, he was bright eyed and just a different, happier baby. So, it is good to know that when healthy - he is great. We just have to keep him healthy...easier said then done when all the kids keep getting each other sick.
Well, hopefully the bug is done in our house and will leave us alone for awhile. Hoping health for you and yours!
The nice thing is - Sam, who we had to take to the doctor because he was coughing to the point of not breathing, has been on meds and he is a completely different person. The down side - he is done with his meds now and the cough has resumed. I was relieved to see him so healthy when taken the medication. I thought there was something wrong with him developmentally - blind (he wouldn't look at us) deaf (he wouldn't follow our voices) socially (he didn't seem to smile when we were around). The doctor said that kids from large families tend to develop physically first (would explain why he was rolling over at a month old...seriously). Though that explanation helped me somewhat - I wasn't 100% convinced. There was just something off. Well, on his meds his matty eyes cleared up, he began cooing and talking, he was bright eyed and just a different, happier baby. So, it is good to know that when healthy - he is great. We just have to keep him healthy...easier said then done when all the kids keep getting each other sick.
Well, hopefully the bug is done in our house and will leave us alone for awhile. Hoping health for you and yours!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Birthdays and BooBoos
This weekend was full of activities for the kids - which meant it was full of running for mom. Friday the kids were suppose to start the weekend cleaning (since there was so much to do) but I ended up watching a couple of my friend's kids so...being that it was a gorgeous day and I wasn't going to make my little extras help Karl and Abby clean, I decided to take the seven kids (yes seven!) down the street to the park. They were having a blast. Karl and his friend Nick were playing catch and the rest were chasing and playing and goofing around. Until...Aine was running and not watching her feet, she tripped over a pile of sand and...landed chin first into the corner of the slide. She immediately started crying. Well...I picked her up and got the kids back to the house (Karl carried Sam), got everything ready (my friend would be there within five minutes to git his kids). Anyhow, we ended up at the doctor and Aine got all patched up with this tape stuff (the doctor was really cool and preferred the tape to the stitches...which I thought was great). Cute thing is, Aine told us, and the doctor, that she "want my band aid on my owee." The doctor smiled and told her she was going to need a little more than a band aid.
And, just to brag things up a daughter is TOUGH. She didn't even cry or make a nose when they put the stingy stuff on her chin. Nope, she just squeezed her mommy and daddy's hand. What a sweetheart.
The next day we cleaned, watched Karl play football, and celebrated Aine's birthday with my family. It was a full, non-stop day. Aine got a lot of nice presents (Abby was jealous). For the first time Abby had to ask Aine to play with something. It certainly changes the dynamics of their relationship and is very good for Abby to deal with. All in all, Saturday certainly made up for Aine's Friday.
Happy birthday to my big three-year-old! Now if we can just get her to go on the potty before the year is up!
And, just to brag things up a daughter is TOUGH. She didn't even cry or make a nose when they put the stingy stuff on her chin. Nope, she just squeezed her mommy and daddy's hand. What a sweetheart.
The next day we cleaned, watched Karl play football, and celebrated Aine's birthday with my family. It was a full, non-stop day. Aine got a lot of nice presents (Abby was jealous). For the first time Abby had to ask Aine to play with something. It certainly changes the dynamics of their relationship and is very good for Abby to deal with. All in all, Saturday certainly made up for Aine's Friday.
Happy birthday to my big three-year-old! Now if we can just get her to go on the potty before the year is up!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Go Packers!
This past Sunday, Mike and I were fortunate enough to attend the Packer game at the Metronomen Minneapolis. The day was perfect. We drove to the Mall of America and took the train to the dome. Once at the dome we met some of Mike's friends from his tour of Iraq. It has been a long time since seeing them last so it was great for Mike to get together and tailgate with them for a bit - even if they were Viking fans. Mike was also able to meet up with some college friends - Wisconsinites who are Packer fans through and through. We finally made it inside to dome and to our seats - and they were great seats. I brought my mom's camera to hopefully capture Brett Favre's record breaking touchdown pass - which I was able to do.
I only wish he was at our end of the field rather than the opposite side. Oh well - I am definitely not complaining though. Not far into the game, Favre scored his touchdown and we happily cheered as history was made before our eyes. The rest of the game was a fun one to watch. The day was wonderful, there are not too many moments any more that Mike and I get to spend just the two of us so this day was special. We both enjoy football, we enjoy each other, and we enjoy winning - the only thing that would have made this day absolutely fabulously perfectly perfect would be if the game had been played at Lambeau Field...again - definitely not complaining.

Friday, September 28, 2007
Home from school
Nothing is worse than having a kid stay home from school because they are sick - that "kid" today is me.
Teaching is not like a lot of other jobs - when you stay home from work in most jobs you do not have to prepare for someone to come in for you. You may have a person fill your spot but that person is familiar with your job and responsibilities and all you need to do is make the phone call that you are not coming in and then you go back to sleep. Sure there may be worked piled up for you when you return but essentially, other than thinking about the buttons to push on the phone to call your contact person, you really use no other major brain energy.
As a teacher, each time you think you need to call in sick - whether for yourself or your child - you first do a mental run through of your lesson plans for that day to determine if it would be more work to prep for a sub so just go in - or if that day is an OK day to have another person cover your stuff. Sometimes you have no option but to get a sub so you either go ahead with the plans for the day or you have to scrape something else together that is productive. Either way, you have to write out detailed notes for each class, have all the necessary copies and materials, make notes for certain students or periods, have your room clean enough to fool the sub into believing you are always neat and orderly, and cover every variable that seven periods and nearly 200 students would require. As a result, there have been many days when I should have stayed home in bed that I opted rather to go to school b/c it was just easier than getting a sub.
Not really complaining as much as explaining. I chose this profession and I love my job, there are many many perks that come with teaching (there have to be b/c the pay stinks). It is just such a pain to miss school that any other teacher truly understands that no teacher likes having subs - I hate it. Don't get me wrong, most of my subs are great people who do a thorough job - but it just creates so much more work for the teacher and is stressful in preparation.
Anyhow, after spending a good three hours (beginning at 2am) in the bathroom (enough details there) and tossing and turning in bed, my husband convinced me to stay home today - and I am glad he did. The migraine meds have kicked in and though I am starving I am still too shaky to get up and make something for myself. Maybe if I go back to sleep I will wake up invigorated...or at least capable of standing long enough to eat and shower without breaking into a shaky sweat.
Hoping you and yours are well.
Teaching is not like a lot of other jobs - when you stay home from work in most jobs you do not have to prepare for someone to come in for you. You may have a person fill your spot but that person is familiar with your job and responsibilities and all you need to do is make the phone call that you are not coming in and then you go back to sleep. Sure there may be worked piled up for you when you return but essentially, other than thinking about the buttons to push on the phone to call your contact person, you really use no other major brain energy.
As a teacher, each time you think you need to call in sick - whether for yourself or your child - you first do a mental run through of your lesson plans for that day to determine if it would be more work to prep for a sub so just go in - or if that day is an OK day to have another person cover your stuff. Sometimes you have no option but to get a sub so you either go ahead with the plans for the day or you have to scrape something else together that is productive. Either way, you have to write out detailed notes for each class, have all the necessary copies and materials, make notes for certain students or periods, have your room clean enough to fool the sub into believing you are always neat and orderly, and cover every variable that seven periods and nearly 200 students would require. As a result, there have been many days when I should have stayed home in bed that I opted rather to go to school b/c it was just easier than getting a sub.
Not really complaining as much as explaining. I chose this profession and I love my job, there are many many perks that come with teaching (there have to be b/c the pay stinks). It is just such a pain to miss school that any other teacher truly understands that no teacher likes having subs - I hate it. Don't get me wrong, most of my subs are great people who do a thorough job - but it just creates so much more work for the teacher and is stressful in preparation.
Anyhow, after spending a good three hours (beginning at 2am) in the bathroom (enough details there) and tossing and turning in bed, my husband convinced me to stay home today - and I am glad he did. The migraine meds have kicked in and though I am starving I am still too shaky to get up and make something for myself. Maybe if I go back to sleep I will wake up invigorated...or at least capable of standing long enough to eat and shower without breaking into a shaky sweat.
Hoping you and yours are well.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Going to the chapel
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Johnny Appleseed
Aine LOVES this prayer before supper and always wants to say it. We compromised and now say this as our lunch prayer and then say another-different one at dinner. The really cute thing is that when we serve lunch, if Mike and I are not seated with them, the kids will start this and do it in unison; here ever we are in the house at that time, we can hear them shouting Johnny Appleseed.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Where have I been?
Hi again,
It has been awhile since I posted, hope you haven't completely given up on me. Truth is, we cancelled our land phone and with it - our internet. You don't realize until you no longer have it how dependent you are on the internet. We got another internet provider and it is terrible. I won't say which company but Mike has been spending a great deal of time at work looking into other options before our trial period runs out on our current provider. I rarely use the internet at home now - it is so slow, I get kicked off line, and losing my patience takes less time than the pages I want take to load. Needless to say, I haven't blogged b/c I haven't been able to maintain my patience long enough with our internet.
The timing of this could not be worse. Mike has two online courses this term - a religions of the world course as well as a developmental psychology course. I too am taking a course that requires continuous use of the internet. The course is in digital writing which I am very excited to take. I have been so excited lately about various school/coursework happenings that I have been in an incredibly great mood. The digital writing course is exactly what I need and want to take right now - I am so happy I was enlightened (thanks to a classmate - Ann) about its existence(somehow I missed it). Not only that but for the past three years I have wanted to take the steps to get an AP program going in our school and turned down because of lack of support and no funds - but after speaking with an awesome friend I use to teach with who has gone through the program, I now have the information I need to get things going...yes...these are the things that make my day - and these are the reasons my husband has officially labeled me a geek. Must say though, it is a lot of fun being a geek - not nearly as much pressure to be perfect or cool.
Well, I am writing an awful lot about nothing much - just wanted to post so it was clear I didn't disappear.
It has been awhile since I posted, hope you haven't completely given up on me. Truth is, we cancelled our land phone and with it - our internet. You don't realize until you no longer have it how dependent you are on the internet. We got another internet provider and it is terrible. I won't say which company but Mike has been spending a great deal of time at work looking into other options before our trial period runs out on our current provider. I rarely use the internet at home now - it is so slow, I get kicked off line, and losing my patience takes less time than the pages I want take to load. Needless to say, I haven't blogged b/c I haven't been able to maintain my patience long enough with our internet.
The timing of this could not be worse. Mike has two online courses this term - a religions of the world course as well as a developmental psychology course. I too am taking a course that requires continuous use of the internet. The course is in digital writing which I am very excited to take. I have been so excited lately about various school/coursework happenings that I have been in an incredibly great mood. The digital writing course is exactly what I need and want to take right now - I am so happy I was enlightened (thanks to a classmate - Ann) about its existence(somehow I missed it). Not only that but for the past three years I have wanted to take the steps to get an AP program going in our school and turned down because of lack of support and no funds - but after speaking with an awesome friend I use to teach with who has gone through the program, I now have the information I need to get things going...yes...these are the things that make my day - and these are the reasons my husband has officially labeled me a geek. Must say though, it is a lot of fun being a geek - not nearly as much pressure to be perfect or cool.
Well, I am writing an awful lot about nothing much - just wanted to post so it was clear I didn't disappear.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
He rolls over!
Sam, at the tender age of one month old, rolls over! I cannot believe it (and neither can my family until they see it). Anyhow, Mike and I had him on his belly watching him hold his head up so high, he really is quite strong, when he rolled over. We looked at each other in disbelief and figured this was a fluke. We put him back on his belly and he did it again. Over the next couple days we kept doing it and the little guy kept rolling over! At first we were counting, the older kids were helping keep track, and now he has done it too many times to keep track so it has become official - he can roll over at one month!
Twice he has gone from his back to his belly - but - until he can do that on a regular basis we will consider those two episodes as freaky events and not an actual capability yet.
I got the video camera out today to record this crazy milestone and figured I better document it because no one does believe us and because if Sam is like our other children he will be getting pretty chunky (fat, huge, gigantic) very soon and most likely will not have the strength to roll his body over at that point.
Yep - our kids are simply amazing if I do say so myself...
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
What a guy
It has been awhile since I blogged. I have been preoccupied I guess with other things and haven't made time to sit down and write. The kids have been great lately, minor mishaps here and there but nothing out of the norm. Aine has been sweet and listening most of the time, Abby has also been very fun and cooperative, and Karl has for the most part been great as well. Samuel is beginning to eat a lot so we are just waiting for the fat to pile on. Our kids fatten up pretty quickly after birth and I imagine Sam will be no exception. I cannot believe he is already a month old.
Well, last night didn't go the way I wanted so I went to bed really ticked off. I was looking forward to actually getting some sleep and figured since Mike didn't work the next day that he would get up with the baby. Well, I failed to mention that to Mike. I didn't get much sleep and then Aine woke up in the middle of the night and took awhile to be consoled. This morning I went off on Mike like a spoiled kid. He handled it so well and reminded me that it would help if I had actually mentioned to him my plans since they did involve him. He apologized but basically told me I was being unfair since I didn't say a word to him. After talking I realized I had seen these fits before 0 the stomping and pouting and irrational behavior - my children, especially Abigail. Mike asked that we start today fresh and I don't take last nights frustration out on the day ahead. I told him I would try...
I screwed up several times during the day (missed our 10am photo appointment because I thought it was at 10:30) and Mike just rolled with it all - never once getting the slightest bit upset. I put myself in his place and know I would have freaked out at some point if not at several points.
Regardless of the start and the mishaps, our day was great and wouldn't have been without Mike being so calm and cool and patient and I just wish I could always be that way. Thank goodness for my husband - I don't write about him much but it isn't because he isn't worth writing about - especially after days like today.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
TBall comes to a close
This week marks not only the end of machine league but Abigail's TBall as well. The season was a long one and the games were entertaining as the adults watched kids play in the sand, dodge balls and then chase in large mobs after balls as kid after kid scored home runs off singles and errors. The kids seemed to have fun and though no major skills were acquired, they got out there, ran around, laughed, hit some balls and experienced the joys of success and the disappointment of failures.
Abigail is, to be honest, not yet really the athletic type. Perhaps one day she will embrace the world of sports but for now it appears she has little to no interest. This is an interesting spot for her dad and me as we were and are still both rather athletic. Still, whatever Abigail decides to pursue in the world of arts, athletics, academia, we will support-we just may have to learn another world along the way.
Pictures of the excited and engrossed fans...
Aine in a tree. (Good thing she has a diaper for cushion)
Grandpa and Phil Jr. standing by.
Grandma and Sam.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Triple Header
Tonight was Karl's last night of Machine League (baseball that involves a machine pitching to the players). It was the final night of play-offs. Karl's team had to beat the green team to play in the championship - which they did in a very close and exciting game with extra innings and an additional twenty minutes of playing time. Then, in order to win the championship they were going to have to play and beat the power house orange team not once -
but twice. The games started at 6:30. Since the first one went over, the second did not start until almost 8pm. Karl's team won the second one by a landslide and then immediately had to begin playing the final game. The score was back and forth with the orange team gathering momentum and Karl's purple team losing steam. In the next to final inning, Karl's team pulled ahead by a run and then, in the final inning held the orange team to no runs, thereby winning the game.
The kids were cheering and so excited to collect their blue ribbons and walk of the field victorious. The parents were cheering and excited too (though perhaps more b/c they were happy to be going home after nearly 24 innings of 9-year-old's playing baseball). Any way you looked at it, for the purple team anyway, this was a great ending to a long night of baseball.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Women, weight, and working out...oh joy.
Well, I now have inspiration.
After having Sam, I knew I had about eight weeks to lose weight for my sister's wedding. I figured when I was two weeks post baby I would start dieting and working out. Ah...just a tad unrealistic. After spending an evening getting up to feed the baby, I am barely energized enough to do the normal things of daily life - let alone start a new exercise routine.
Last week I started my diet and have been successful on it so far. Yes, it has only been a week of eating better but there are many tempting treats around that I am proud of myself for abstaining from inhaling them all on the spot. I also got off my butt and exercised a couple times - not quite habitual yet but it is a start.
Well, after spending several hours with my "bestest friend in the whole entire world" Molly - I am really energized and inspired to work out and get my butt in shape. Molly has four kids ages ten -three/four (her youngest Ty just had a birthday but I can't remember - guess I am not that good of a friend - how old he turned this summer) Anyhow, Molly looks fabulous. Makes me really happy for her - but let's be honest, also makes me terribly jealous and sick. So...I was really wanting to cheat on my diet today (little devil Molly had great snacks, yummy lunch, and made cookies while I was there) but I refrained. I want to look like she does. I want to be healthy and thin and tone and tan. I want to squeeze my bottom into some teeny size 6's and be bummed they are too big. I want my teenage students (in her case neighbors) to bring me cute clothes they no longer wear. I want my chest to stick out farther than my stomach and I want to feel great when I get dressed rather than decide which awful bulging body part to accentuate today.
Part of me says I am being really hard on myself, after all, baby Sam is only three weeks old. Another part of me thinks - three weeks! I have wasted three weeks doing nothing when I should be getting in shape. I need to let go of both parts and just take it day by day. Working out when I am not too tired and continuing to eat right. Molly jogs five miles a day...yeah...I HATE running so I will get on my elliptical - which I love - and get to it...though not five miles and definitely not every day.
We will see how it goes.
So, thanks Molly for inspiring me. If it takes envy, one of our deadly sins, to get my body back in shape, then I say bring it on. I have had four kids, am getting older, and if I don't do it now...I never will.
Speaking of getting in shape...I had a couple guy coworker/friends stop by the other day to bring baby gifts and talk. We were chatting about some people we knew and one female in particular was brought up. She use to be pretty homely and would maybe be categorized as "cute" Well, towards the end of the last school year she started dressing differently, wearing make-up, and doing her hair differently. She started looking very attractive. I mentioned that she changed her appearance and started looking great. They shared their guy theory on that. They believe that when a woman starts changing her appearance like that it is for a guy and they are either "getting some or wanting some" I thought they were joking so laughed and pushed them a bit. No, sadly they were serious. Now, I know when I have wanted to look good and did a little extra to look a little better - it is NOT always for a guy. I find it hilarious/and disturbing that they would seriously believe this. Ahhhh...boys(can't call them men when they think like this).
After having Sam, I knew I had about eight weeks to lose weight for my sister's wedding. I figured when I was two weeks post baby I would start dieting and working out. Ah...just a tad unrealistic. After spending an evening getting up to feed the baby, I am barely energized enough to do the normal things of daily life - let alone start a new exercise routine.
Last week I started my diet and have been successful on it so far. Yes, it has only been a week of eating better but there are many tempting treats around that I am proud of myself for abstaining from inhaling them all on the spot. I also got off my butt and exercised a couple times - not quite habitual yet but it is a start.
Well, after spending several hours with my "bestest friend in the whole entire world" Molly - I am really energized and inspired to work out and get my butt in shape. Molly has four kids ages ten -three/four (her youngest Ty just had a birthday but I can't remember - guess I am not that good of a friend - how old he turned this summer) Anyhow, Molly looks fabulous. Makes me really happy for her - but let's be honest, also makes me terribly jealous and sick. So...I was really wanting to cheat on my diet today (little devil Molly had great snacks, yummy lunch, and made cookies while I was there) but I refrained. I want to look like she does. I want to be healthy and thin and tone and tan. I want to squeeze my bottom into some teeny size 6's and be bummed they are too big. I want my teenage students (in her case neighbors) to bring me cute clothes they no longer wear. I want my chest to stick out farther than my stomach and I want to feel great when I get dressed rather than decide which awful bulging body part to accentuate today.
Part of me says I am being really hard on myself, after all, baby Sam is only three weeks old. Another part of me thinks - three weeks! I have wasted three weeks doing nothing when I should be getting in shape. I need to let go of both parts and just take it day by day. Working out when I am not too tired and continuing to eat right. Molly jogs five miles a day...yeah...I HATE running so I will get on my elliptical - which I love - and get to it...though not five miles and definitely not every day.
We will see how it goes.
So, thanks Molly for inspiring me. If it takes envy, one of our deadly sins, to get my body back in shape, then I say bring it on. I have had four kids, am getting older, and if I don't do it now...I never will.
Speaking of getting in shape...I had a couple guy coworker/friends stop by the other day to bring baby gifts and talk. We were chatting about some people we knew and one female in particular was brought up. She use to be pretty homely and would maybe be categorized as "cute" Well, towards the end of the last school year she started dressing differently, wearing make-up, and doing her hair differently. She started looking very attractive. I mentioned that she changed her appearance and started looking great. They shared their guy theory on that. They believe that when a woman starts changing her appearance like that it is for a guy and they are either "getting some or wanting some" I thought they were joking so laughed and pushed them a bit. No, sadly they were serious. Now, I know when I have wanted to look good and did a little extra to look a little better - it is NOT always for a guy. I find it hilarious/and disturbing that they would seriously believe this. Ahhhh...boys(can't call them men when they think like this).
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
A fun filled day
Sometimes, at the end of a day, I sit back and just think about things and what was good/frustrating about the day. Today was a pretty good day. The kids basically got along and we all seemed to keep busy and enjoy our day.
I got to hang out with my sister this evening. We took the kids to the pool, had dinner, watched them all play outside, and just chatted. It was really nice to hang out. We went through what was OK to eat on our diets - she gets married in early September - and talked about details for the wedding.
While she was there, her son kept repeating a naughty word or two. My older two would look at each other and then me thinking, "did he just say that." Mary and I were shocked because he kept saying it like any other thing, like it was no big deal at all, like he was saying "No way!" It was entertaining and I was able to laugh a little more whole-heartedly because it was not my kid.
Sorry to just recap my regular day but it was a nice day - a day of family and memories made. These are the type of days I love my job because (for one, but at the top of my list from June-August) it allows me to have my summers with my children.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Where'd Daddy Go?
Mike had the weekend off and, other than Saturday evening, we spent the entire weekend hanging out and being bums as a family. We played a bunch of games with Aine, Abigail got to paint her Care Bears and she enjoyed a lot of alone time (she loves alone time some days), Karl got to play football outside with mom and dad and Abigail, he also finished his Goblet of Fire book, and Mike and I were both able to finish our books and Mike also started the last Harry Potter book. It appeared as though everyone got to do some of their favorite things - alone and as a family.
The weekend was very low key and relaxing. We put the kids to bed a bit early on Sunday evening and figured this morning would go quite well. When Aine woke up, she was as sweet as can be. She listened, snuggled, and was in a good mood. After about thirty minutes of this she asked me, "Mommy, where'd Daddy go?" I told her he was at work. She sat for a moment and didn't really react. Then, for the next half hour she was a terror. Climbing on her brother, being difficult at breakfast, and just not listening. Hmmmm...I took her aside and asked her what was wrong. No answer. Are you sad, and she nodded her head yes. To get to the bottom of it, she wants her daddy here everyday. Very sweet but also very unrealistic. I explained to her that some days Daddy has to work and when the summer is done, Mommy is going to have to work as well. Mommy and Daddy would both rather stay home but we have to go to work. Not sure how much she got out of the discussion but she is acting better now.
Last night I also taught her the word "obey" and so far she is trying to do it...we will see how this all goes.
This does shed some light on the whole misbehavior thing. Not that she is an angel when Mike is here but she is certainly better behaved. Mike isn't more of the disciplinarian, I think she just prefers to have him around and acts out when he isn't here because she is
sad/mad/frustrated/something. Guess she is a Daddy's girl...maybe he should come up with a nicer nickname than Luci(fer) then.
The weekend was very low key and relaxing. We put the kids to bed a bit early on Sunday evening and figured this morning would go quite well. When Aine woke up, she was as sweet as can be. She listened, snuggled, and was in a good mood. After about thirty minutes of this she asked me, "Mommy, where'd Daddy go?" I told her he was at work. She sat for a moment and didn't really react. Then, for the next half hour she was a terror. Climbing on her brother, being difficult at breakfast, and just not listening. Hmmmm...I took her aside and asked her what was wrong. No answer. Are you sad, and she nodded her head yes. To get to the bottom of it, she wants her daddy here everyday. Very sweet but also very unrealistic. I explained to her that some days Daddy has to work and when the summer is done, Mommy is going to have to work as well. Mommy and Daddy would both rather stay home but we have to go to work. Not sure how much she got out of the discussion but she is acting better now.
Last night I also taught her the word "obey" and so far she is trying to do it...we will see how this all goes.
This does shed some light on the whole misbehavior thing. Not that she is an angel when Mike is here but she is certainly better behaved. Mike isn't more of the disciplinarian, I think she just prefers to have him around and acts out when he isn't here because she is
Saturday, July 21, 2007
What life is all about
After a great day together, the kids all crashed peacefully into their beds. I relaxed in Mike's chair, a good book clutched in my hand and Sam snuggled on my chest. After I finished the book (it was a good one) I just watched Sam and enjoyed the sounds of the night creeping in through the windows. Sam was out, resting his tiny little head on one of his skinny little arms making cute sounds from his barely-open little mouth. I said a silent thank you for my kids and whispered to Sam that I couldn't promise him anything in this life except that his mommy and daddy would love him always. I began thinking about my little ones upstairs, how they are not so little anymore and are growing up fast. I recalled the days I held them in my arms and wondered what they would look like, how they would smile, when they would crawl, walk, ride a bike, tie their shoes, and just hope and pray - not for riches or popularity - but for happiness, health, and a long joy-filled life that greatly outlived my days on earth. I decided to put Sam down in his bed and visit my sleepers in theirs. After going from each child, watching them sleep, breathing in their distinct smells, and kissing their foreheads, I promised them the same I promised their baby brother. Again I thanked God for them, their unique qualities that I embrace and struggle with, for they make them who they are.

This is what it is all about.
Tomorrow - which is traditionally "Saturday Sucks" (the kids named it that b/c we spend the morning deep cleaning the house) I think I will play Candy Land with Aine, paint those Care Bear dolls with Abigail, pitch a few to Karl, and just watch and enjoy what I have - a house needs to be cleaned, this is true, but my little ones will never stay little no matter how badly I want them to, this is more important.
Someone once said you only really have 18 summers with your kids...sad when you think about it like that. I have 9 left with Karl, not much...I can clean my house another time.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Second day of Mike being at work
Just to let you know, there was no pooping, spitting, screaming or yelling going on today by anyone other than Sam...which is perfectly expected. (Don't follow? Read my earlier post...)
Today was a better day - like I said in my earlier post - no way it could be any worse.
Calm returned to our least for now.
First day back to work
So yesterday, Mike went back to work. He wasn't thrilled about this-who would be after two weeks of being with family and not having to wake up early and go to work-but he went. To be honest, I was concerned. I have taken care of kids my entire life so I knew I could handle four, at the same time, I knew I could handle childbirth, broken bones, betrayal, and many other not so pleasant things. I knew we would survive, I just had no idea how wonderful or terrible it would be.

Well...the morning started out just fine. The girls started out
dressing up, Abby was a giraffe and Aine was a Care Bear, a yellow care bear she would correct me. Aine got quite excited half way through playing because she realized she, just like the real care bears, had a heart on her butt. She went around telling everyone, "look, Karl/Abby/Mommy/Sam, I have a heart on my butt!"
giggle, giggle and then she would stick her butt in our faces. Probably not the sweetest, most appropriate thing for a little girl to do, but it sure was funny.
That is about when the fun stopped and the demons within our angelic child, a.k.a. Aine, unleashed their wrath upon our household. In the next two hours, the little, yellow, giggling Care Bear hit, slapped, kicked, screamed and even spit (yes, she seriously spit) at her older siblings. She purposely (I KNOW it was on purpose - her smile before, during, and after gave it away) spilled tea all over the floor. She grabbed and knocked over toys/games the kids were playing with, ran and tumbled through the whites I was separating and folding on the floor, spoke back to me AND even hit me. Well, I had enough. I was doing counting exercises in my head and saying silent little patience prayers to keep my cool. I dealt with each incident as I thought best and then didn't even have time to hold my breath before the next occurrence. Finally it was nap time. Ahhh...peace...or not. Abby went upstairs to put something away and noticed that Aine had pooped on her bed. Yes, I kid you not, she pooped on her sister's bed. My prayers were louder now as I stripped Abby's bed and went to the laundry room before dealing with Aine.
After nap time, a sitter of ours, Kristin, came over to see the kids and take them to the pool. Now obviously any parent would agree that Aine should NOT be allowed to go to the pool. At the same time, any parent would also agree that after a morning like mine I deserved a break and this would give me one. Plus, Aine is only 2 and doesn't fully understand consequences for non-immediate actions (yes I am rationalizing with myself here) so...they went to the pool and I recharged a bit.
After the pool the girls came home and Abby, who had that morning turned this huge zucchini my dad brought, into a baby (marked on a face, put on a diaper, bib, and baby hat-thought it
looked like Larry the cucumber) started playing with her "baby
cucumber Sonja". Of course Aine wanted it too - so they fought over it for the next hour. I am not sure why I didn't just take it away (obviously I hadn't recharged long enough) but even Kristin was amazed at the scene. I don't yell a lot, and I never yell in front of people, but I must admit it took all of my energy not to catapult that stupid zucchini into smithereens and scream and holler before sending my girls with Kristin for the summer - of course after their display with the vegetable baby I doubt she'd take them around the block.
The sitter left, I yelled, separated the girls until dinner, had a private talk with Aine, brought them down stairs for dinner, they went to bed after dinner, and I collapsed in bed with a pointless, laugh out loud book and waited for Mike to get home.
Mike was amazed, in disbelief-not only about the details of my day but that I hadn't pulled my hair out, was sane, and smiling. How can all this happen in one day? You just can't make this stuff up...sometimes reality is crazier than fiction - and when you get through it - you just have to let out a big breath and laugh...or cry, and I didn't feel much like crying. Tomorrow couldn't be any where near as bad-could it?
This my friends is an example of why Mike secretly calls Aine Lucy. It is a cute name and would be a cute nickname...if it wasn't short for Lucifer.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
What's in a name?
When we run into our friends/neighbors/family and introduce them to the baby, they right away ask his name. We answer-Sam- to which most usually ask, "Just Sam?" and then we clarify, "No, Samuel. Samuel Atticus Earl." Then they comment or question the two middle names and we have to explain. I guess I never realized two middle names was such a rarity. True, none of our other kids have two names, but there is a reason Sam has two names. So...I will explain. It is really quite simple.

Sam is a name we have liked since we had Karl. After we had Karl we knew if we had another boy we would name him Sam.
Atticus is a name Mike has always loved because of Atticus Finch, the father in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. The novel, and the character Atticus are favorites of Mike. Atticus Finch is an amazing character - moral, just, upstanding, brave, honest, and just impressive in basically every way. If you haven't read the novel - you should. Oftentimes Mike tried to convince me to go with Atticus as a first name - but I just couldn't do I used my one power of veto and nixed those plans.
We planned the entire pregnancy to name the baby Samuel Atticus. We both loved the name and were quite excited about finally having our baby Sam. Well...about a week before Sam arrived, Mike shared with me that it bothered him that baby Sam wouldn't have a family name. All our other kids have family names:
Karl David is after Mike's Grandpa Karl - his dad's dad. Grandpa Karl passed away when Mike was younger but Mike always really liked his Grandpa and remembered great things about him. Also, he knew how much his own dad cared for his father and wanted to honor both men who are very important to him. Dave is Mike's dad and Mike really looks up to his father for who he is as a person and what he means to him as a father.
Abigail Kathryn is named Kathryn after four generations of awesome women on my mom's side all sharing that name.
Aine Michelle is named after my mom Michelle. My mom rocks and is a strong female, plus, though we couldn't have planned this, both Aine and my mom are redheads with attitude-it was simply meant to be. Aine has a very cool story as well but that is another day...
So, that left baby Sam, our only child without a family name. Family names are quite important to us so it didn't seem right to not give one to Sam. At the same time, neither of us were willing to give up our name Samuel Atticus - it just fit. continue to make a short story long...we decided, after the idea from Mike's buddy/co-worker Corey, to have two middle names. This is where Earl comes in.
Earl is Mike's grandfather on his mom's side. He was a great person, loving father of five children and many many grandchildren and great grandchildren. He was also a decorated veteran and just a person Mike has always admired.
So, there you have it. Two middle names...not that uncommon of a thing - I thought...
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Funny Faces
Pacifier fun.

Karen, a friend of Mike's at work, gave us a gift bag that included two unique pacifiers. The kids love them and always want to pay with them so Mike and I hide them. But, yesterday they wanted to show Aunt Mary so we brought them out. Each took a turn trying it out...
Can't wait to see Sam with this sucking away in his mouth.
First full day at home
We survived our first day home as a family of six. Granted, during the day, Abigail got called for a lengthy play date and not an hour after she left, Karl got a call from a friend as well. So, for a good 5-6 hours it was just me, Mike, Aine, and baby Sam. top things off - Aine actually slept during her nap time.
The kids were great when they were here. If they fought or argued it was mostly about who got to hold the baby - so we couldn't complain - our problems could be worse (much worse). My sister, her (soon-to-be) husband, and their two boys brought dinner to our house and saw the baby; they were out of town when he was born and my sister was very excited to see the little guy. We were glad to see them, and to be very honest, we were thrilled to not have to make anything for dinner. Insurance companies should pay for one week of in-house cooking and cleaning after a baby...of course...maybe I should just cross my fingers for eye and dental before I go for the maid.
Well, I know I am biased, but our little guy is just adorable and I can't stop looking at him. He is a calm baby so far and isn't startled by noise (which is a good thing in our family). The only thing that is really interesting is, he doesn't cry - he screams. When he does scream it is this full force I-am-ticked-at-the-world-and-I-am-going-to-let-the-world-know-about-it scream. His arms and legs flail, his neck stretches, his face turns a beat read, and there is no holding back. Fortunately he doesn't scream a lot.
I feel so very blessed (here comes cheesy mom moment) but I have four healthy children. Babies are such miracles and so much can go wrong and Mike and I were truly blessed with each of our babies. Each pregnancy and baby was so different - each special and unique. It amazes me that two people can create four individuals who may look similar and share some basic commonalities but otherwise be so completely different. I can't wait to see Sam's personality unfold as he grows.
My other three have quite distinct personalities and I love each one of them - even when they are trying or difficult. When the kids walked into the hospital room they each approached me and the baby differently. Abby and Karl, being practiced in the welcome new baby routine, went right for the baby. They were looking and wanted to hold him and were beaming. Aine, the novice, went straight for my bed. She crawled up to me, gave me a hug, asked about my "owiees" and if I was OK. Then she told me, "Baby Sam not in your belly anymore," as she patted on my stomach and stayed right by mommy. She wanted to hold the baby but it was going to be where she was, on her terms, by her mom's side, and no other way. When she held him she was tickled and excited. Karl, after thoroughly checking out his baby brother and having a turn at holding him, privately came over to me, gave me a big hug, and whispered in my ear, "Thank you Mommy for delivering me a baby brother," and he squeezed me even tighter. Abby walks up to me much later, after holding the baby and checking out the room, and, I think, because she wanted to sit on the bed, and says simply, "you still have a belly Mom. Is there another baby in there? Why is your belly still big, the baby isn't there anymore." Thanks Abby...She is in a question phase right now...and any and all questions go. So after I laughed for a moment, I explained to her how it will take a bit longer to lose the entire belly. In true Abby form she says, "You already lost some because you had a really big stomach before, now it's just a little belly."
So, me, my four distinctly individual kids, wonderfully helpful husband, and not very little belly are all at home adjusting to our new one and enjoying this time together. Sure there will be many funny stories to share as the kids (and parents) just experience each new day.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Baby Sam is here!
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Happy 4th of July - and baby news!
First of all - Hope you all enjoy your holiday! Hope the weather is great and the company even better!
Second - no baby yet, but there will be tomorrow! After meeting with my doctor it was determined I should be induced tomorrow. I have very rapid deliveries and we live a ways from the hospital so the doctors want me to be induced - and believe me - I have no reason to argue against that one. So...we should be meeting baby Sam tomorrow and I cannot wait!!! Mike and I were joking that this labor would, for some reason, take hours and hours, going against the very reason for the induction. For many reasons I truly hope that doesn't happen but we will just have to wait and see.
I just have to say though... YEAH!!! THANK GOD I AM 24 HOURS AWAY FROM BEING PREGNANT NO MORE!!!
The stuff I am writing about below actually happened last week, but the pictures are cute and I wanted to blog about the day so I figured I would just "back-blog" (is that a term? well, it is now)
The girls were being stinkers. Just needy and whinny and not willing to entertain themselves. I
couldn't call them naughty - but I was getting very frustrated with their behavior. I was going to put them in their rooms for some alone time (since they were pestering each other so much) but thought I would try something else...baking. So, I started with brownies. The girls were so excited to help out. They took turns adding ingredients, stirring, and of course - tasting. I grew up loving to bake. I think it is because my mom never had the time or desire to bake and I can never get enough sweets so I took it upon myself to bake. My kids are growing up with a baking mom so they really haven't gotten into the baking much - they just want the batter and the finished
product. Initially, Abigail didn't want to help until I reminded her of the story about the hen and bread and told her only those that helped would get the treats to eat; once she heard that she was all for helping. The Brownies didn't take very long and were quickly in the oven. The girls looked at me with questioning, hopeful eyes wanting to know what we were going to make next...Ok...Chocolate chip cookies?...? So we went through the same routine of pouring, stirring (this time they got to use the cool mixer) and tasting. They wanted to do a lot more tasting from the very beginning so I let them taste the butter and sugar mixture - after that they were content to wait until I said it was ready.
We got the cookies made and again the girls looked at me wanting to know "what next". Not
sure exactly what to do next, they took it upon themselves to clean everything up. Dishes, counters, even the floor! They worked together, had fun, and though I obviously had to do some touch ups, got our kitchen cleaned up. After this, the two galloped upstairs together to play with fairies and had a blast. 
Wow - who would have thought baking was a parenting tool to alter behavior. I was feeling very pleased with myself and quite smart as a parent... and then laughed as I enjoyed the quiet, realizing that could have easily backfired and been a huge mess. I got lucky, but I'll take it and hopefully get creative and lucky again.
Second - no baby yet, but there will be tomorrow! After meeting with my doctor it was determined I should be induced tomorrow. I have very rapid deliveries and we live a ways from the hospital so the doctors want me to be induced - and believe me - I have no reason to argue against that one. So...we should be meeting baby Sam tomorrow and I cannot wait!!! Mike and I were joking that this labor would, for some reason, take hours and hours, going against the very reason for the induction. For many reasons I truly hope that doesn't happen but we will just have to wait and see.
I just have to say though... YEAH!!! THANK GOD I AM 24 HOURS AWAY FROM BEING PREGNANT NO MORE!!!
The stuff I am writing about below actually happened last week, but the pictures are cute and I wanted to blog about the day so I figured I would just "back-blog" (is that a term? well, it is now)
The girls were being stinkers. Just needy and whinny and not willing to entertain themselves. I
We got the cookies made and again the girls looked at me wanting to know "what next". Not
Wow - who would have thought baking was a parenting tool to alter behavior. I was feeling very pleased with myself and quite smart as a parent... and then laughed as I enjoyed the quiet, realizing that could have easily backfired and been a huge mess. I got lucky, but I'll take it and hopefully get creative and lucky again.
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