First of all - Hope you all enjoy your holiday! Hope the weather is great and the company even better!
Second - no baby yet, but there will be tomorrow! After meeting with my doctor it was determined I should be induced tomorrow. I have very rapid deliveries and we live a ways from the hospital so the doctors want me to be induced - and believe me - I have no reason to argue against that one. So...we should be meeting baby Sam tomorrow and I cannot wait!!! Mike and I were joking that this labor would, for some reason, take hours and hours, going against the very reason for the induction. For many reasons I truly hope that doesn't happen but we will just have to wait and see.
I just have to say though... YEAH!!! THANK GOD I AM 24 HOURS AWAY FROM BEING PREGNANT NO MORE!!!
The stuff I am writing about below actually happened last week, but the pictures are cute and I wanted to blog about the day so I figured I would just "back-blog" (is that a term? well, it is now)
The girls were being stinkers. Just needy and whinny and not willing to entertain themselves. I

couldn't call them naughty - but I was getting very frustrated with their behavior. I was going to put them in their rooms for some alone time (since they were pestering each other so much) but thought I would try something else...baking. So, I started with brownies. The girls were so excited to help out. They took turns adding ingredients, stirring, and of course - tasting. I grew up loving to bake. I think it is because my mom never had the time or desire to bake and I can never get enough sweets so I took it upon myself to bake. My kids are growing up with a baking mom so they really haven't gotten into the baking much - they just want the batter and the finished

product. Initially, Abigail didn't want to help until I reminded her of the story about the hen and bread and told her only those that helped would get the treats to eat; once she heard that she was all for helping. The Brownies didn't take very long and were quickly in the oven. The girls looked at me with questioning, hopeful eyes wanting to know what we were going to make next...Ok...Chocolate chip cookies?...? So we went through the same routine of pouring, stirring (this time they got to use the cool mixer) and tasting. They wanted to do a lot more tasting from the very beginning so I let them taste the butter and sugar mixture - after that they were content to wait until I said it was ready.
We got the cookies made and again the girls looked at me wanting to know "what next". Not

sure exactly what to do next, they took it upon themselves to clean everything up. Dishes, counters, even the floor! They worked together, had fun, and though I obviously had to do some touch ups, got our kitchen cleaned up. After this, the two galloped upstairs together to play with fairies and had a blast.

Wow - who would have thought baking was a parenting tool to alter behavior. I was feeling very pleased with myself and quite smart as a parent... and then laughed as I enjoyed the quiet, realizing that could have easily backfired and been a huge mess. I got lucky, but I'll take it and hopefully get creative and lucky again.
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