The weekend was very low key and relaxing. We put the kids to bed a bit early on Sunday evening and figured this morning would go quite well. When Aine woke up, she was as sweet as can be. She listened, snuggled, and was in a good mood. After about thirty minutes of this she asked me, "Mommy, where'd Daddy go?" I told her he was at work. She sat for a moment and didn't really react. Then, for the next half hour she was a terror. Climbing on her brother, being difficult at breakfast, and just not listening. Hmmmm...I took her aside and asked her what was wrong. No answer. Are you sad, and she nodded her head yes. To get to the bottom of it, she wants her daddy here everyday. Very sweet but also very unrealistic. I explained to her that some days Daddy has to work and when the summer is done, Mommy is going to have to work as well. Mommy and Daddy would both rather stay home but we have to go to work. Not sure how much she got out of the discussion but she is acting better now.
Last night I also taught her the word "obey" and so far she is trying to do it...we will see how this all goes.
This does shed some light on the whole misbehavior thing. Not that she is an angel when Mike is here but she is certainly better behaved. Mike isn't more of the disciplinarian, I think she just prefers to have him around and acts out when he isn't here because she is
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