Wow I have been so busy lately. It is the end of the quarter at school so grades are due tomorrow. Anyone who knows a teacher or is a teacher understands that the last week of the quarter is the worst week of the quarter. I have been swamped with correcting, entering grades, and helping students who are struggling to pass that I have barely had time to breath. I also finished (finally turned in) my grad school project from last year to take the incomplete off my record and get an actual grade. So, work and school have kept me incredibly busy, so busy I feel like I haven't even seen much of my husband or my kiddos. Mike has been through this before and is such a patient man that he is waiting until this weekend, when he knows (because grades are due Friday) that I will want to put my feet up and relax with him. The kids don't get that though, so this morning Abby got very upset and when I asked her what was wrong she said, "I just want to be with my mommy." She was teary eyed and sad looking. I felt terrible. She asked if we could go on a mommy and me date. I started "kid dates" when Mike was overseas in Iraq to give each child some special time. Well, since Mike got home (which is two years almost now) we haven't had those. Tonight, Abby and I are going to go on a date. This weekend Aine, who was around for the conversation, is going to go on a date with mommy and daddy. Karl - I haven't asked him yet, he may just want to hang out with Dad; but I do know that as soon as he gets wind of the "dates" that he is going to want one.
I am glad this happened this morning. Though it made me feel horrible for not being around more this week, it is bringing back a really special tradition that should have never gone away. So, it looks like I am going to be quite busy going on multiple dates this weekend-should be a blast.
Here are some recent photos of the kids. Sam is snuggling on his daddy's chest (he is getting to be such a chunk)

and the other three are suppose to be ready for bed (don't they look tired...)
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