Monday, June 11, 2007

Mike's frank and beans

How could I forget - maybe b/c I am trying to keep this a family show...but this is too funny to pass up. While my family was here to celebrate Karl's birthday - Mary, my sister - was tired of the hard time Mike kept giving her. Anyone who knows Mike knows he is a jokester who likes to pick on people and is basically a smart-alec type guy (which for me and my family is a great thing - he fits right in) Sometimes he goes to far and keeps going and going (which is why I call him the Energized Bunny - though he would like others to believe there is a different meaning behind that name...there's not) Anyhow, he was picking on Mary and she had enough so...she snuck up on him and surprised him by yanking down his shorts. Couple things she didn't consider in this... #1 - Mike was wearing swim trunks so he didn't have on any underwear... #2 - my mom was passing through the kitchen at that exact moment and saw the whole thing...timing is everything I guess. I hear the hoopla and go to investigate. By the time I get to the kitchen, Mike has turned so the only thing left for the world to see is his bare white butt. Also, he was just about to put the left over beans into a container so he had covered his unmentionables with the plastic container. Fortunately for my poor mom - all she got to see then was Mike's front side with a big plastic bowl covering anything of importance. Everyone was laughing, Mike was stuck half naked in a corner and not sure what really to do next. Being the protective wife that I am, I rushed over in front of him to allow him "bend over" room, and he fixed his predicament.
Only remaining problem...Mike returned to his task of putting away the beans...but he didn't get a new container...hmmm...Dad keeps asking when we are going eat the far no one has gained enough courage to venture to say no one ever will.
Currently, Mike continues to plot his revenge...and Mary realizes there will be consequences - not sure when or where or how...but someday...someday...Mike will get even - and I can't wait to see it all go down

*** unfortunately, no one thought to grab a camera for this one so, though you may have been crossing your fingers and hoping...there will be no picture with this post - sorry folks.

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