Sunday, August 12, 2007

He rolls over!

Sam, at the tender age of one month old, rolls over! I cannot believe it (and neither can my family until they see it). Anyhow, Mike and I had him on his belly watching him hold his head up so high, he really is quite strong, when he rolled over. We looked at each other in disbelief and figured this was a fluke. We put him back on his belly and he did it again. Over the next couple days we kept doing it and the little guy kept rolling over! At first we were counting, the older kids were helping keep track, and now he has done it too many times to keep track so it has become official - he can roll over at one month!

Twice he has gone from his back to his belly - but - until he can do that on a regular basis we will consider those two episodes as freaky events and not an actual capability yet.

I got the video camera out today to record this crazy milestone and figured I better document it because no one does believe us and because if Sam is like our other children he will be getting pretty chunky (fat, huge, gigantic) very soon and most likely will not have the strength to roll his body over at that point.

Yep - our kids are simply amazing if I do say so myself...

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

What a guy

It has been awhile since I blogged. I have been preoccupied I guess with other things and haven't made time to sit down and write. The kids have been great lately, minor mishaps here and there but nothing out of the norm. Aine has been sweet and listening most of the time, Abby has also been very fun and cooperative, and Karl has for the most part been great as well. Samuel is beginning to eat a lot so we are just waiting for the fat to pile on. Our kids fatten up pretty quickly after birth and I imagine Sam will be no exception. I cannot believe he is already a month old.

Well, last night didn't go the way I wanted so I went to bed really ticked off. I was looking forward to actually getting some sleep and figured since Mike didn't work the next day that he would get up with the baby. Well, I failed to mention that to Mike. I didn't get much sleep and then Aine woke up in the middle of the night and took awhile to be consoled. This morning I went off on Mike like a spoiled kid. He handled it so well and reminded me that it would help if I had actually mentioned to him my plans since they did involve him. He apologized but basically told me I was being unfair since I didn't say a word to him. After talking I realized I had seen these fits before 0 the stomping and pouting and irrational behavior - my children, especially Abigail. Mike asked that we start today fresh and I don't take last nights frustration out on the day ahead. I told him I would try...

I screwed up several times during the day (missed our 10am photo appointment because I thought it was at 10:30) and Mike just rolled with it all - never once getting the slightest bit upset. I put myself in his place and know I would have freaked out at some point if not at several points.

Regardless of the start and the mishaps, our day was great and wouldn't have been without Mike being so calm and cool and patient and I just wish I could always be that way. Thank goodness for my husband - I don't write about him much but it isn't because he isn't worth writing about - especially after days like today.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

TBall comes to a close

This week marks not only the end of machine league but Abigail's TBall as well. The season was a long one and the games were entertaining as the adults watched kids play in the sand, dodge balls and then chase in large mobs after balls as kid after kid scored home runs off singles and errors. The kids seemed to have fun and though no major skills were acquired, they got out there, ran around, laughed, hit some balls and experienced the joys of success and the disappointment of failures.

Abigail is, to be honest, not yet really the athletic type. Perhaps one day she will embrace the world of sports but for now it appears she has little to no interest. This is an interesting spot for her dad and me as we were and are still both rather athletic. Still, whatever Abigail decides to pursue in the world of arts, athletics, academia, we will support-we just may have to learn another world along the way.

Pictures of the excited and engrossed fans...

Aine in a tree. (Good thing she has a diaper for cushion)

Grandpa and Phil Jr. standing by.

Grandma and Sam.