Yesterday was a nice day. We needed to go to Target to pick up some medicine for Karl. I decided to arrange a lunch date with my mom, dad, and sister. It has become routine for my dad and sister to meet for lunch so I figured it should be OK for mom and I to join in the fun. Well, I got to the city at about 10 am and wasn't meeting them for lunch until noon. That means I had to "pass my time" in Target for two hours - that is a scary thing for me and my bank account. I needed four items, and one and a half hours later, I was four bags full and took a sizable chunk out of my checkbook, but quite content. Only when I got home did Karl point out to me that I forgot his medicine (the reason we went to Target), the one item we truly needed. Oh well - guess I will have to return to Target I need three items...hopefully I get them all - and in only one bag.
Abby had Tball last night. She got a couple great hits and is getting much better with each game. She is smiling out there more too so I think her confidence is up.
Karl ended up playing with a friend all late afternoon while the girls and I went to the library and grocery store (I was craving Bing cherries - how completely random). I put together our new stroller for baby Sam and Aine quickly laid claim to her new "ride" She decided it was her stroller and baby Sam can sit on her lap when he wants a ride...right.

All in all it was a boring but nice day to just hang out with the kiddos and take it easy. I got to see my parents and sister, nap, read, shop, and just enjoy - I think the kids did too.
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