This weekend was a busy one. We had Mike's parents from the great land of Green Bay, WI visit us and we also celebrated Karl's birthday - three times. Before Mike's parents arrived, we celebrated with my parents and sister and her family. Abby had her first tball game that night so the evening began with that, followed by food, presents, and cake and ice cream. The party favor of the evening was a "bow" my mom picked up at Hallmark that was much more fun as a funky headband. Everyone except the guys- they apparently find themselves way too cool-we find them clueless - tried on the bow.
My nephew Danny had to win the cutest kid award as he kept looking up in an attempt to look at the bow, only every time he turned his head up, the bow would go up too. It was funny. Karl enjoyed his presents and attention and was quite happy. My mom and sister gave me crap b/c I bought cupcakes instead of making something myself. If you knew all the grief I use to give my mom for not making birthday cakes you would better understand (of course, buying cupcakes still isn't nearly as bad as leaving out two boxes of cake mix with a note, "April, could you make these two cakes for tonight" which wouldn't be a big deal if it wasn't my own and my sister's bday cakes (we shared a birthday) so though I accepted the comments with a good laugh - I am still not quite at mom's caliber) *** Must defend my mom though, she was a terribly busy lady who rocked as a mom so I really don't care that she wasn't Betty Crocker - I am just thrilled she remembered to at least get the cake mix...even if I did have to make my own stupid cake - love ya mom!
Then came birthday #2 - again a purchased cake but I must clarify - it WAS an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen so it was a specialty cake that I couldn't be expected to make. Mike was craving one so we got it for the weekend. Dave and Judy (Mike's parents) arrived from Green
Bay, aka God's Country, around dinner time. Although it wasn't really Karl's birthday until Sunday, Judy was excited to give the kids their gifts (I now see where Mike gets his presents impatients from) so the kids, who were just as thrilled, opened their gifts that night. The girls were able to set up their table and chair set right away, and they played with it all weekend (and are still playing with it now) but Karl had to wait until the following day to get his out. He built a birdhouse while the adult men "supervised" which basically consisted of sitting near him. Karl didn't need much help and, of course, painted it green and gold.
Birthday #3 - really began Sat. night when I finally MADE a dessert for Karl's bday. He wanted a big cookie with frosting instead of a cake so I made the dough, spread it out on a stone, and baked it. While it was baking we were all watching Night at the Museum when Dave, Mike's dad, asked if something was burning. I blew it off and said I just needed to clean my oven (domestic goddess that I am
- I hate cleaning ovens) We continued watching the movie and the smell got worse. After the movie the lights came on and smoke was filling the house. I opened the oven, and...well...apparently...cookie dough spreads out much more than I ever imagined. The stone was overflowing with dough and it was dripping all over the oven floor. I couldn't grab the stone b/c it has no raised edges so the edges were full of dough as well so I had to grab the entire rack, scrape the bottom of the oven, scrape the edges of the cookie, and bake the remaining dough. Dave was nice to point out that kids that age don't really care that much what it looks like - as long as they have it and it tastes fine - he is right and thank goodness for that reality. Regardless, obviously, much like my mom, I am not Betty Crocker either.
Overall - I think Karl really enjoyed all his birthdays...he is a lucky kid. Happy 9th Birthday little man.
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