Thursday, June 28, 2007

A wonderful day

What a great day! After taking Karl to golf at 8am, Mike and I went for a walk with Aine in her new stroller. It has a CD player attached to it so we were able to walk and listen to some good, encouraging music. Abby opted to stay home in our bed and watch cartoons. We are trying to give her the feeling of independence and so a thirty minute walk was a great baby step in that direction - she thought she was pretty cool.

When we got back we had a filling breakfast of bacon and eggs - still can't make them like Grandma Judy's- and then decided to go to the nearby free park/zoo. Abigail has wanted to use the picnic basket we got as a wedding present (and still haven't used) for some time so we figured today was the day. We loaded up the car with the stroller, food, cooler, picnic basket and - after getting Karl- headed on our way. The kids were great at the park. They were excited to see the animals and were considerate and helpful and just filled with positive energy. Abigail had recently been to the park on a field trip so she was telling us all sorts of interesting information. Aine loved the bear and everyone loved the prairie dogs(me especially). Mike was quite impressed with the bald eagle and big turkey and the kids all clucked around the turkey fence trying to do their necks just like the bird. The kids were also quite excited about feeding the goats and the deer. Mike gave the kids a fun ride on the bench swing - he really got that going - and then we headed back for the reptiles. Aine, much like her grandma, does not get too excited about snakes, but once we got in there she did OK. After the animals we drove to one of the picnic areas, ate our lunches and then everyone tried their hand at golfing. I stink, which is no shocker, Mike has a terrible slice, Karl is getting better, Abigail had a few great hits (for never playing we were impressed), and Aine was quite scary with a club. Karl did a nice job of trying to instruct Abigail in her swing. It was just awesome to watch everyone interact and get along so well.

After golf we went to the playground near us and then headed home. At home we found a new (pet?) frog that the kids were quite interested in watching - especially after Karl caught a fly and they watched "Rupert" eat the fly.
It was an awesome day - perfect weather, great memories, and no problems. The night concluded with all of us doing our own "favorite" thing - Mike went to play cards with some friends, I scrapbooked(I am determined to get Aine to one year before the baby arrives...), Abigail joined me, Karl read and then played XBox, and Aine went to bed - OK - so that isn't HER favorite thing but it made the rest of us really happy to have some quiet time, and I did let her have ice cream before bed so she was happy.

So much in one day but what a wonderful day it was.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Just a day in the life...

Yesterday was a nice day. We needed to go to Target to pick up some medicine for Karl. I decided to arrange a lunch date with my mom, dad, and sister. It has become routine for my dad and sister to meet for lunch so I figured it should be OK for mom and I to join in the fun. Well, I got to the city at about 10 am and wasn't meeting them for lunch until noon. That means I had to "pass my time" in Target for two hours - that is a scary thing for me and my bank account. I needed four items, and one and a half hours later, I was four bags full and took a sizable chunk out of my checkbook, but quite content. Only when I got home did Karl point out to me that I forgot his medicine (the reason we went to Target), the one item we truly needed. Oh well - guess I will have to return to Target I need three items...hopefully I get them all - and in only one bag.

Abby had Tball last night. She got a couple great hits and is getting much better with each game. She is smiling out there more too so I think her confidence is up.

Karl ended up playing with a friend all late afternoon while the girls and I went to the library and grocery store (I was craving Bing cherries - how completely random). I put together our new stroller for baby Sam and Aine quickly laid claim to her new "ride" She decided it was her stroller and baby Sam can sit on her lap when he wants a ride...right.

All in all it was a boring but nice day to just hang out with the kiddos and take it easy. I got to see my parents and sister, nap, read, shop, and just enjoy - I think the kids did too.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Will I ever have this kid!??!?!

I have kept pictures of myself out of this blog, I figure I control the blog so I get to pick what is in there-right...and at the moment, the idea of a picture of me HUGE, SWELLING, and ready to POP isn't the most flattering, so why put it in...

Well, I figured I should share just how huge I am and pose the question: WHY AM I STILL PREGNANT?

When the pitter-patter of little feet becomes a stompin stampede

I love summer. Not only does the warm weather fit me just fine, but I get to sleep in a little bit and when I do wake up, I get to spend all my days hanging out with my kids. Though they don't all nap - I still have daily quiet time (which is just as much for me) when the kids have to have some quiet alone time, Aine naps, and I usually read. I never get to read relaxed, enjoyable stuff during the school year as I am bogged down with school work and class work, so I really really look forward to my summers.

I have to occasionally remind myself though that kids don't always want to do planned activities and have a set schedule for the day. Yesterday, my kids spent almost two hours just running around the house playing monster. I started out as hide-and-seek and was cute to watch and fairly quiet. Aine though, at only two, wasn't the best hider and quickly got tired of always being the seeker, so...she turned the game into monster. The sound in our house was LOUD and then eventually got LOUDER as the "Monsters" found their victims and roared and ran and caused ruckus throughout our home. I thought it would last a short period of time - but it continued on and on and on and took on new rules and got louder and louder. I was so close to yelling "ENOUGH!" but instead, I took a seat on the couch and just watched as my three kids ran throughout with huge smiles on their faces, simply enjoying each other. I am glad I kept my mouth shut.

After the play time, they cooled down with some Suite Life of Zach and Cody (their favorite show) and cuddled - another great image to see.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


How can someone this adorable be so devilish? Is it really the red hair? The third child syndrome? Just the terrible twos? Are we not giving her enough attention, expecting too much from her at this age? Or is she really just this much of a stinker? Our older two went through stages, and we dealt with them and no major problems arose. I recall struggling with Abigail (she insists again I call her Abigail) but the power struggles were very short lived and once we figured out a system and what worked - it worked and the struggles subsided. But Aine...we have been trying everything imaginable for months now. We were hoping to have Aine potty trained this summer, before the baby was born, so we only had one child in diapers. Now, my goal has become more realistic - get her to stop saying "shut up jerkface" or slapping/hitting me and her siblings. I think it would also be nice to have her stop telling me and her dad "no" as well as having her listen once in awhile. Karl and Abigail are so shocked and thrown off by her behavior that they just drop their jaws several times a day. We have had to coach them in how to handle her naughtiness. But when a nine and six year old are shocked by bad behavior - you know you have a problem.

It all started with the movie Hocus Pocus - which is cute for kids but has a lot of not so nice sayings - like "shut up jerkface" and "stupid" This was Aine's favorite movie and whenever she got a chance to watch a movie this is what she selected. We thought it was b/c of the Halloween scenes and candy distribution that she liked it so much - and maybe it is - regardless, she learned a bunch of not-so-cute-for-a-three-year-old-to-say sayings that we are now dealing with on a daily basis. In dealing with this we learned several things about our lovely third child: She likes soap - is immune to spanks - prefers outbursts in public (what child doesn't try that)- and doesn't HATE Tabasco sauce which she now affectionately refers to as "her sauce".

She likes bar soap and when you put it in her mouth she screams...not when it enters, but when you try to take it away. "I like da soap Mommy" was not what I expected to hear. "Can I hold da soap Mommy" when I approached the bathroom after naughty words is not an encouraging thing. Soap is out. Spanking - creates giggles and repeats of the word that caused the spanking. Not big on the slapping of the mouth but yes, tried it, and more giggles came out. Some may say I need to do it harder. This does create cries (which is I guess what one is after when they spank - sad) but ten seconds later the behavior is repeated. So, we tried Tabasco sauce. She doesn't LOVE it and tries to avoid getting it in her mouth, which creates some struggle, but can tolerate it. Plus, Tabasco sauce is easier to spit out than soap and other more solid substances. One important note though - I strongly believe we should all learn from the mistakes of others - so learn this not put Tabasco sauce on your finger to put in your child's mouth any time before you plan on putting in your contacts. The result is not favorable, the eyes become red and sting, and much discomfort follows. Of course - your spouse may laugh and find this quite entertaining (thanks Mike) the laughter is not worth the pain.

Then there is the public places part. All parents know kids test things in public. Our older two are usually very good in these settings, of course they have their moments but they have learned that though they may not deal with immediate consequences in the store get outside, to the car, or home, and there will be a high price to pay for public misbehavior - Well, Aine hasn't figured this out just yet... Last night we went out for dinner. While Mike was dishing up the older two (We went to Old Country Buffet which I have never done nine months pregnant before and told the kids they would have to get busy in the kitchen when they saw my big belly roll in) Anyhow, while Mike was serving the kids, I noticed a not so fun smell escaping my little one's bottom. I took her to the bathroom to change her and, well, the two words all parents hate to say- BLOW OUT. Gross, disgusting, smelly poo all up her back and down her legs. Her pants were beyond "rinse and reapply" but fortunately her shirt missed any messiness. I had a few options but decided to change her, put on a new diaper and wrap her pants in towels and place them in the diaper bag. So, I take my little red-head back out to the restaurant in a dirty t-shirt and diaper. It is hard to be discreet witha huge nine month belly, carrying a flaming red-head who is singing and half naked through such a large restaurant. Nice. Very nice. Mike gives me a questionable look but quickly understands as I ask him to place the bag in the farthest corner on the floor so we can eat without the smell. Now our goal is to keep Aine in the booth so she is not running around a restaurant in her diaper, shirt, and sandals. She, of course, did not make this an easy task for us. She stood on the booth and bounced and sang, crawled under the booth and howled and laughed, and basically did everything but sit and behave. Everyone pitched in to contain her but she was too much. You can't really walk out of an all-you-can-eat buffet with a doggy bag so we couldn't just leave without having to re feed our children and ourselves after our thirty minute drive home - and we were all hungry (hence our choice of restaurant). So...we hurriedly ate, got the little angel out of there, and made it to the truck to head home.

Mike was so angry he chewed her out. We are not a yelling family (I can't really get loud enough to have an effective yell) but when Mike is mad, and he yells, well, everyone takes notice. He YELLED at Aine and she BAWLED. I mean she was really sad and sobbed. After she calmed down she yelled at her daddy to "shut up" and his yells returned. She was so shocked and sad that she cried nearly the remainder of the trip home-those huffy, sobbing, I can't catch my breath cries that make you feel terrible when you hear them. We didn't hear a naughty word out of her mouth the rest of The evening. In fact, when we put her to bed she told us that "I don't like da naughty words. I not say dem anymore" We will see.
Mike and I looked at each other and were amazed - soap she likes, slapping does nothing, Tabasco she can handle - but yells...hmmm, we may be hearing Mike's booming voice a bit more around the house.

Ahhh, the joys of parenting...I know one day we will look back at this and laugh, but in the moment - you just hold your breath, pray for patience and guidance, and try everything and anything to find a solution...if it is yelling - praise the Lord for Mike's strong vocal cords - if it gets our Aine to stop telling me to shut up jerk face - I will take it.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Happy Father's Day

Yesterday was a day spent spoiling our dads with time, love, and good food. Mike, unfortunately, had to work most of the day but was able to join in the fun after work. It was great to spend the day with my dad and for the kids to spend the day with their grandpa - he is a great guy who clearly loves his family - even when we annoy him and give him crap. The kids tried to call Grandpa Dave too, but had no luck. Mike had luck later in the day though to talk to his dad and let him know we were all thinking of him - he is a pretty special guy as well who would do anything for his kids and grand kids.

Well, Just wanted to send some love out to the dads out there and post this adorable picture of Mike and his kids... Mike is a great dad. He is a fun dad who is always ready to play ball or games or just cuddle with the kids. He is also a teaching dad who spends time talking to his kids about right and wrong and choices and has set rules the kids understand (and usually follow). Regardless if playing, teaching, disciplining, or teasing, Mike is always there for them. They are lucky to have him for a daddy, and they love him completely-as if that weren't obvious by the looks on their faces!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Mike's frank and beans

How could I forget - maybe b/c I am trying to keep this a family show...but this is too funny to pass up. While my family was here to celebrate Karl's birthday - Mary, my sister - was tired of the hard time Mike kept giving her. Anyone who knows Mike knows he is a jokester who likes to pick on people and is basically a smart-alec type guy (which for me and my family is a great thing - he fits right in) Sometimes he goes to far and keeps going and going (which is why I call him the Energized Bunny - though he would like others to believe there is a different meaning behind that name...there's not) Anyhow, he was picking on Mary and she had enough so...she snuck up on him and surprised him by yanking down his shorts. Couple things she didn't consider in this... #1 - Mike was wearing swim trunks so he didn't have on any underwear... #2 - my mom was passing through the kitchen at that exact moment and saw the whole thing...timing is everything I guess. I hear the hoopla and go to investigate. By the time I get to the kitchen, Mike has turned so the only thing left for the world to see is his bare white butt. Also, he was just about to put the left over beans into a container so he had covered his unmentionables with the plastic container. Fortunately for my poor mom - all she got to see then was Mike's front side with a big plastic bowl covering anything of importance. Everyone was laughing, Mike was stuck half naked in a corner and not sure what really to do next. Being the protective wife that I am, I rushed over in front of him to allow him "bend over" room, and he fixed his predicament.
Only remaining problem...Mike returned to his task of putting away the beans...but he didn't get a new container...hmmm...Dad keeps asking when we are going eat the far no one has gained enough courage to venture to say no one ever will.
Currently, Mike continues to plot his revenge...and Mary realizes there will be consequences - not sure when or where or how...but someday...someday...Mike will get even - and I can't wait to see it all go down

*** unfortunately, no one thought to grab a camera for this one so, though you may have been crossing your fingers and hoping...there will be no picture with this post - sorry folks.

Karl's birthday party - three of them

This weekend was a busy one. We had Mike's parents from the great land of Green Bay, WI visit us and we also celebrated Karl's birthday - three times. Before Mike's parents arrived, we celebrated with my parents and sister and her family. Abby had her first tball game that night so the evening began with that, followed by food, presents, and cake and ice cream. The party favor of the evening was a "bow" my mom picked up at Hallmark that was much more fun as a funky headband. Everyone except the guys- they apparently find themselves way too cool-we find them clueless - tried on the bow. My nephew Danny had to win the cutest kid award as he kept looking up in an attempt to look at the bow, only every time he turned his head up, the bow would go up too. It was funny. Karl enjoyed his presents and attention and was quite happy. My mom and sister gave me crap b/c I bought cupcakes instead of making something myself. If you knew all the grief I use to give my mom for not making birthday cakes you would better understand (of course, buying cupcakes still isn't nearly as bad as leaving out two boxes of cake mix with a note, "April, could you make these two cakes for tonight" which wouldn't be a big deal if it wasn't my own and my sister's bday cakes (we shared a birthday) so though I accepted the comments with a good laugh - I am still not quite at mom's caliber) *** Must defend my mom though, she was a terribly busy lady who rocked as a mom so I really don't care that she wasn't Betty Crocker - I am just thrilled she remembered to at least get the cake mix...even if I did have to make my own stupid cake - love ya mom!

Then came birthday #2 - again a purchased cake but I must clarify - it WAS an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen so it was a specialty cake that I couldn't be expected to make. Mike was craving one so we got it for the weekend. Dave and Judy (Mike's parents) arrived from Green Bay, aka God's Country, around dinner time. Although it wasn't really Karl's birthday until Sunday, Judy was excited to give the kids their gifts (I now see where Mike gets his presents impatients from) so the kids, who were just as thrilled, opened their gifts that night. The girls were able to set up their table and chair set right away, and they played with it all weekend (and are still playing with it now) but Karl had to wait until the following day to get his out. He built a birdhouse while the adult men "supervised" which basically consisted of sitting near him. Karl didn't need much help and, of course, painted it green and gold.

Birthday #3 - really began Sat. night when I finally MADE a dessert for Karl's bday. He wanted a big cookie with frosting instead of a cake so I made the dough, spread it out on a stone, and baked it. While it was baking we were all watching Night at the Museum when Dave, Mike's dad, asked if something was burning. I blew it off and said I just needed to clean my oven (domestic goddess that I am - I hate cleaning ovens) We continued watching the movie and the smell got worse. After the movie the lights came on and smoke was filling the house. I opened the oven, and...well...apparently...cookie dough spreads out much more than I ever imagined. The stone was overflowing with dough and it was dripping all over the oven floor. I couldn't grab the stone b/c it has no raised edges so the edges were full of dough as well so I had to grab the entire rack, scrape the bottom of the oven, scrape the edges of the cookie, and bake the remaining dough. Dave was nice to point out that kids that age don't really care that much what it looks like - as long as they have it and it tastes fine - he is right and thank goodness for that reality. Regardless, obviously, much like my mom, I am not Betty Crocker either.

Cookie catastrophe over, the following day, Karl's actual birthday, we (Mike, me and my dad) took six boys to the Twins' game. The were all very well behaved (for 8-9 year old boys) and I think had a lot of fun. I got to be on TV but the showed me with the guy to my left - who was not my husband or a family member or known person what-so-ever. We think Karl may have gotten on TV with his sign as well - I hope so.

Overall - I think Karl really enjoyed all his birthdays...he is a lucky kid. Happy 9th Birthday little man.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Picnic and a movie

Last night was one of those nice lazy nights. I was suppose to go to a meeting that I was excited to attend but Mike got home later than scheduled due to some work issues so I wasn't able to go. I was actually upset I couldn't go - I was looking forward to it - but since there was nothing he or I could do to change it, we decided to just have a nice family night. We put "picnic" blankets on the living room floor and all five of us ate a picnic dinner and watched a movie. Once dinner was done, we had a five-person snuggle on the floor until the movie was over. Aine fell asleep before the finale and Mike and I were actually able to be next to each other (which rarely happens when we are all together like that). For a brief moment, until one of the kids spoke or climbed around to get comfy, it was a bit like the old dating days of cuddling and watching a movie - only surprisingly I didn't fall asleep.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Wow! I knew it had been a long time since my last post but I have been so busy with the last week(s) of school that I really had no idea it was this long until I saw the date of my last post. Wow. Anyhow, I have one more day of school, which involves no kids in the classroom, just a day of completing grades (done - yeah!) and cleaning my classroom (never done). Oh well. That being said, I am really looking forward to this summer of having more time to do the things I really love - spending time with my family, reading, blogging, and being outside in warm weather. Some where in there I will be delighted to have my 4th and final child and watch everyone adapt to that change.

Mike and I have been talking about how very anxious we are to have this baby. We just can't wait to see what the little guy is going to look like. He kicks and squirms so much more than any of the other babies - it is like he already has a very distinct personality and we are both already just enamored of the little guy. Hopefully the three other children will be as happy about his arrival - Karl and Abby will be just fine - it is that spoiled spunky red-head we are worried about.

Well, yesterday was one of those days. I had high hopes for a glorious family experience. Those plans were a bit off to begin with b/c Mike had to work, but I thought the kids and I would just have this wonderful day and make memories and laugh and share and enjoy each other - well, I guess some of that happened - but so did so much more...

The plan was to wait for Karl to get home from his friend's house (he stayed overnight for a sleepover) drive to the campground my parents had their trailer parked at, spend the day with them fishing, paddle boating, grilling, playing outside games, and just relax. At 5pm I was to go back home to attend an open house, eat dinner, and head home tired and happy. I was excited about all the activity at the campground, excited that I didn't have to cook a single meal (grilling for lunch - open house food -the best kind- for dinner) and excited that the kids would be so tired when they got home from all the running that they would crash as soon as their happy little heads hit the pillows.

The reality was, we did GO to all the places I was planning on but not everything I was hoping to have happen did.

We had the car loaded and ready to go before Karl got home from the party. The girls were very excited and helped carry stuff to the car for mommy. As soon as Karl arrived, the first red flag appeared. He was TIRED, very tired. They were up until about 2am and then up early this morning as well. Karl is not very kind or cooperative when he is tired - in fact - he is downright whinny. He whined we had to drive all the way to grandma and grandpa's, whined that I couldn't go fishing with them (need to renew my license) whined that he was so thirsty and if I didn't stop soon he was going to die of dehydration (I told him I was going to take a chance on it and pray he lived through the thirty minute drive), whined when Abby spoke, Aine laughed, and basically whined about everything except his breathing.

Abby, who was in a great mood, quickly got tired of listening to her brother figured if she couldn't play with him - she may as well antagonize him. She began pushing all his buttons (siblings know just the right ones to push). By the time I got to the campsite, I was ready to be done. Grandma and Grandpa were happy to see us. We ate lunch right away and went fishing. The older two came with me and their grandpa and Aine stayed with Grandma. We paddle boated out to a couple spots and everyone (except me - no license remember) caught a fish. Karl, who usually tends to hold off on the whining around grandpa, began whining when we would move the paddle boat b/c apparently, moving the paddle boat causes him to loose his fish. Crazy how he always had a nibble or catch just when we moved and then - goodness gracious- he would loose it...hmmm... If you ask Karl how many fish he caught, the answer would be, "one but would have had about seven if they wouldn't keep moving around." Yeah. Abby caught her third fish ever but it really was her first non-assisted catch. It was awesome to see the look of joy on her face when she reeled it in and held it up. Ahhh...that alone made the day worthwhile (OK, no it didn't but it was a bright moment amidst many dark segments) We went back and the kids went with grandpa to clean the fish (they both caught one keeper) The entire time we were here, Abby continued the button pushing - she even got Grandpa fed up and a rare occurrence of grandpa yelling at his grand daughter occurred (I think she was pretty scared - grandpa is a big guy with a booming voice) As soon as it was time to go to the open house, Karl resumed his whining. He must have asked me a dozen times if he could NOT go - he even went as far as saying he would rather be going to hell then an open house. That did it. Not only was I tired of his whines but his dramatics AND the use of that word really sent me over the loaded up the kids - Aine threw a good fight getting into her car seat but I won (imagine that). I chewed those kids out like I never have before. Even Aine was silenced (which anyone who knows her would be quite amazed). The older two were silent for basically the entire ride, Aine was quiet too and I was really certain she finally understood when to just be quiet until I looked back and found she was sound asleep. Sadly, that lasted until I had to slam on my brakes for traffic. She was up and the following thirty minutes of the ride involved her screaming, Karl crying, and Abby sitting silently in the back. I wasn't going to even go to the open house but this was one of my "special" students (any teacher who says they don't have favorites is a liar - we all do - you just can't treat those "favorites" differently in the classroom or with grades or you have problems) so I HAD to go. I stopped at home, got the card, did a quick change into something semi-clean, got back in the car, and was on my way again with Aine screaming and shouting. Got to the open house and literally walked up to my student, gave her a hug, told her I couldn't' stay, she wanted to see the kids (she also babysits for us) took her back to the car (mother-of-the-year left them in the car) (she lives on a farm so they were safely surrounded by barns and animals) she said hi to the kids (Aine was still screaming) I gave her another hug and we were on our way back home.
I guess in a way, I did get what I was hoping for - a day at the camp out, fishing, open house, exhausted kids crashing as their heads hit their pillows - I just didn't get all the "happy memories" parts as much as I was hoping and I didn't plan on me being more exhausted then them.

Oh well...I have good kids...but even like good parents...they can have really crappy days. I am just glad that the crappy days are the least I think they are...