I cannot believe that only 48 hours have passed, it was such a very long weekend. This weekend I watched my sister's boys - William (3) and Danny (11 months) from Friday early evening until Sunday late afternoon. There is nothing wrong with my nephews, they are well behaved boys who have their moments (like my own children) but if you do the math - that was 48 hours of five children - three of which were under the age of three. So...I didn't get much sleep, cleaned up more than ever and the house is messier than ever, changed more poopy diapers than I ever want to change in that short of a time frame, and basically, am pretty tired. On top of this scenario - add in that Mike, who works 12 hour shifts every other weekend, was working this weekend (As much I know he would have helped I also know he is VERY happy he did work) and I have only two weeks of school left so am in the process of correcting research papers and essay tests galore. Um...I didn't get much done on the correcting so I decided to stay up late Sat night - until almost 2 am, only to wake at 4:30 am to Mike leaving for work, Danny up and crying, William up and coughing, and Aine up with a bad dream. Mike took care of all three before he left (much thanks to him) but being 8 months pregnant - it was not easy to fall back to sleep.
Ahh...five kids. Five kids!??!?!
Anyhow, they had fun. Lots of playing outside. Aine loves the hose - William
too. They painted rocks, which was fun activity until they started painting each other. We went to the park, came in and watched a movie when it started raining, had ice cream, played games, and basically kept everyone running and busy all weekend long.
The kids tired themselves and me out. Danny was exhausted too - as he fell
asleep - butt in the air- in the middle of playing with toys. Abby and Karl got pretty tired out form all of this as well - Abby fell asleep before Mike could
dish her up a late night ice cream treat, and Karl, though he stayed up for ice cream, requested to go to bed as soon as he was done. Those two were still feeling it in the morning as they cuddled together on Dad's chair,
not yet ready to deal with the kids.
This morning I was determined to get the older two kids to church. It is their final weekend of Jubilee and they get church dollars based on attendance and such, to buy a gift. I really did not want them to miss this, they would also be singing in front of the congregation so I thought that would be neat to see. The problem with this plan is that I have a hard time getting ready on time for church when it is Mike and I and our three kids - now it was me by my lonesome and five kids needing to be dressed, fed, cleaned, and ready to go, piled into the car by a schedule I rarely meet. For a moment I thought I wouldn't do it - but all I had to do was think of Karl and Abby and know how much they would love church today and I got myself motivated. Somehow, between fits about not having the right shoes (aine) needing hair done (abby), not finding socks (karl) wanting a treat (william) and needing yet another poopy diaper changed (danny) I got them and myself (wet hair in a claw clippy thing and light makeup) ready on time. It was an experience - I think the least favorite part of which was the loading and unloading of the car. But we made it, on time, safely, and all had fun (and I had my first moments alone without children in days..hee hee) As I was leaving, my big pregnant belly, one child on my hip, a diaper bag over my shoulder, and four kids holding hands as we crossed the street, cars stopped to let us pass, and I would have loved to hear some of the comments made about that picture, maybe some extra prayers were said for me this morning :)
Well, I knew we were done at four, but after this weekend, I think we should both get fixed just to guarantee there are no oopsies in the future - I think I would truly need to be committed.
Five kids!!!??!?!?
I praise all mothers out there who juggle so much every day - especially those with more kids than parental arms...