Most days I find myself just looking at Karl in amazement. He is getting so tall, he has no signs of a baby face (unless he is pouting), his words and actions are usually quite sophisticated, and he wants to do more and more, and learn more and more, and have more and more freedom. I already find myself trying to pull on the strings rather than let them out and let him grow a bit more. There is a fine line between holding back and letting go too soon and sadly, I thought I had many more years to go before I had to deal with these issues.
Karl loves riding his bike to the store/park/school without mom or dad. He likes to have some freedom and that terrifies me. At the same time, I am so happy in some of the ways he is growing up. He WANTS to do big kid things and is so proud of himself when he does. Today in the car on the way home from my parents, Karl found a Soduko puzzle and wanted to know how to do it. He had seen Mom and Dad do it so he wanted to try. I was hesitant to show him because I didn't want him to frustrate himself, but he persisted and I relented. Once he got it - he really got it. After doing two mild puzzles he moved to the next level and spent well over an hour trying to solve it. He occasionally solicited the help of Mom or Dad but made it very clear he only wanted us to help him with one and did not want us to do it for him. Rather than get frustrated - he got more determined. When we told him to go to bed and it was not yet finished he was a bit upset; we told him to put the puzzle on his dresser and look at it with fresh eyes in the morning...he was content with that. The thing is - I was getting frustrated looking at it - it was hard for me and Mike (and Mike is really good at those). Point is, he is not a little baby boy anymore - which is tough because he always will be my little baby boy. I dread the day he doesn't want me to hold his hand or rub his back or cuddle, he is my cuddlebug after all. But seeing all the signs, I know I must begin to prepare myself for the inevitable, no matter how much I don't want to do so.
In fun Karl news, he was getting a bit jealous that our Sunday morning pancake routine did not include him. Aine poured the powder and water (nope - super mom does NOT make homemade pancakes), Abby mixes (and declares herself the "best mixer in the whole entire world") and mom always makes the pancakes. The kids love the pancakes because they can have either Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Shrek (thanks Dave and Shea) or heart pancakes (tricks I learned form my dad - thanks Dad for making me the cool mom without even realizing it but by just being a cool Dad). Depending on their mood they select their favorite and then sit with big smiles waiting for them at the dining room table. It has become quite the morning tradition (which is really sad for Mike because he isn't a big pancake eater) Anyhow, Karl didn't have a job and was usually quite bummed about this, plus, pancakes get delieverd by order of age (youngest to oldest) so he always has to wait. Then he asked if he could be the flipper. I was nervous about this (hmmmm...burns...) but figured with close supervision and repetitive warnings about the hot pan, my 8-year-old could tackle this. So he was now the official flipper. He was beyond nervous when the time came for his first flip - Mom was watching, the girls were watching, it was a
big moment. He got the spatula like Mom showed him, took his time, and FLIP - it was
The smile on his face was priceless. The girls cheered (without any prompting from Mom which was cool) and Karl was now (according to Abby) the "Best flipper in the whole entire world". Now, every Sunday everyone has a job (and Karl doesn't mind eating order b/c he is too busy cooking). Mom has been promoted to supervisor and dad remains strictly eater (which I think he is still trying to find a clever way to get out of-poor guy but a great sport)
Karl's latest request - scrambled eggs, and then one day-eggs like Grandma Stasko makes because Mom tries but they just aren't as good (thanks Karl-but you are right).
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