I have been wanting to start a blog for quite some time. The problem always was I didn't seem to have the time to commit to creating one - so I kept putting it off. Now, when I have six chapters to read to prepare me for teaching, three articles to read to prepare me for my Tuesday class, dishes to wash, a house to clean, and kids to take care of - I figured what better way to spend my time than to create a blog that will not take care of any of my current demands. But, I am in the mood to do this so, in my mind, there is no better time to begin.
I really wanted to start a blog because I am terrible at keeping in touch with friends and family - especially those that live far away. If intentions counted for anything - I would be the greatest communicator in the world - but since they don't count for much, I pretty much suck.
If it was just me and my husband, I wouldn't feel so badly, but with three kids running around entertaining us on a daily basis, and growing so rapidly it is frightening, I feel quite inadequate about updating those that cannot be around to see them grow and change. So...hopefully, I will keep up with this blog, and hopefully family and friends can keep up with the kiddos, as well as me and the hubby (although we are not nearly as interesting).
I must admit I am not completely prepared to start this blog; a big part of my plan is to include recent pictures of the kids but my camera is at school (imagine that) and I have no new ones to display. I do have a favorite though - Ab
by's first day of school (yeah, I know they get out of school in a month...) Aine insisted on standing in the middle of her big brother Karl and her big sister. I guess since she maybe felt they were the center of attention - heading off to a new year of school - that she should be the center of something. I have this picture on one of the computer's screen saver in my classroom. Makes me smile every time I look across the room and see it. At the time of the picture, Karl vowed to wear packers clothing to every day of third grade and with a month to go he has stayed true to his word. Aine wanted to go to school with us nearly every day, she still asks once in awhile but is a bit better with our standard routine. Abby was so excited to begin kindergarten and she has done an amazing job all year of working hard and staying positive. She cannot wait to get better at reading and is so creative. They are quite a crew.
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