Sam, at the tender age of one month old, rolls over! I cannot believe it (and neither can my family until they see it). Anyhow, Mike and I had him on his belly watching him hold his head up so high, he really is quite strong, when he rolled over. We looked at each other in disbelief and figured this was a fluke. We put him back on his belly and he did it again. Over the next couple days we kept doing it and the little guy kept rolling over! At first we were counting, the older kids were helping keep track, and now he has done it too many times to keep track so it has become official - he can roll over at one month!
Twice he has gone from his back to his belly - but - until he can do that on a regular basis we will consider those two episodes as freaky events and not an actual capability yet.
I got the video camera out today to record this crazy milestone and figured I better document it because no one does believe us and because if Sam is like our other children he will be getting pretty chunky (fat, huge, gigantic) very soon and most likely will not have the strength to roll his body over at that point.
Yep - our kids are simply amazing if I do say so myself...